
Archy-test-ui is a is a basic test project to demonstrate basic frontend react knowledge and API intergation.


Click here to view the app on Netlify and here to view the API on heroku.


The app has all 4 CRUD functionalities implemented;

  • A client user can:
    • view the list of available users
    • click on each row to edit / update the user data
    • delete a user data
    • create new user data



Backend / API

The application API was developed with NodeJs, Express was used for routing and Mysql2 for database management, The ApI is also developed with Typescript and Sequelize was used as the ORM.


Follow the steps below to setup a local development environment for the backend. First ensure you have Mysql2 installed, and a version of Node.js equal or greater than v6.10.0 .

  1. Clone the repository from a terminal; git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory cd test_server
  3. Rename .env.sample to .env and add the required DATABASE settings.
  4. Install project dependencies npm install
  5. To run migrations and start the express server, navigate to src/index.ts and un-comment the await sequelizeInstance.sync call then run npm run dev to serve the project.


Follow the steps below to setup a local development environmen for the frontend. First ensure you have Create-react-app and associated build packs installed, and a version of Node.js equal or greater than v6.10.0 .

  1. Clone the repository from a terminal; git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory cd archy-test-ui
  3. Install project dependencies yarn install
  4. Start the express server yarn start to serve the user interface.

API Summary

View full API documentation here


EndPoint Functionality
GET api/users/all Allows a client to view all users.
POST api/users/new Allows a client to create a user.
PATCH api/users/:id? Allows a client to edit/update a specific user.
DELETE api/users/:id? Allows a client to delete a specific user


Currently, unit tests have not been written for any of the frontend or backend yet, but i hope to add those soon.
