sbt plugin for deploying play2.2 applications to Sina App Engine (with jetty7.4.x)
- scala 2.10+
- Play 2.2.3
- sbt 0.13+
###Step 1: Start create a play application by $play new YourSaeAppName or skip this step when porting existing project.
###Step 2: Add plugin add the following lines to 'YourSaeAppName/project/plugins.sbt',
resolvers += Resolver.url("codeck repo", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("org.codeck.play2sae" % "sbt-plugin" % "0.3.3")
add the following lines to 'YourSaeAppName/build.sbt',
import org.codeck.play2sae.sbtPlugin //this line should be add on top
resolvers += Resolver.url("codeck repo", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
####Step 2.1: Add customized web.xml (Optional) play2sae will create a webxml when packaging.
create 'YourSaeAppName/app/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml' when you need a customized web.xml
####Step 2.2: Add customized database setting (Optional) play2sae will create default db with info from SaeUserInfo
edit 'YourSaeAppName/conf/application.conf' when you need a customized web.xml (here is a template)
####Step 2.3: Add SAE sdks (Optional) extract to *'YourSaeAppName/lib'" when you need SAE sdks.
play2sae will automatically strip sdk jars from final .war file.
###Step 3: package "package" command in Play console are ready to package .war file for SAE now.
simplest app(by "$play new"), computer-database and zentasks(TODO) are deployed for demo
original (servlet wrapper) code from with modification for play2.2
(war) packaging task by