
Test coverage reporting utility

Primary LanguageRuby

Test Coverage Report

Code Climate

Reports on test coverage for added lines of code within a specified timeframe. Uses GitHub and Code Climate APIs.


You can the fetch latest version of the reporter by pulling from Docker Hub:

docker pull codeclimate/test-coverage-report

To use this reporting tool, you must have a GitHub access token and a Code Climate access token available.

Both access tokens must have access to the respective repositories in order to collect commit and test coverage data. You may run the report against an alternate timeframe (defaults to the past 7 days) by specifying the number of days to include.

docker run -it \
  --env CC_ACCESS_TOKEN="<Code Climate Access Token>" \
  --env GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="<GitHub Access Token>" \
  codeclimate/test-coverage-report \
  <owner/repo> [days=7]