
WordPress.org Plugin Mirror

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Anti-spam ===
Contributors: webvitaly
Donate link: http://web-profile.com.ua/donate/
Tags: spam, spammer, comment, comments, comment-spam, antispam, anti-spam, block-spam, spam-free, spambot, spam-bot, bot
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 3.5
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

No spam in comments. No captcha.

== Description ==

> **[Anti-spam Pro](http://codecanyon.net/item/antispam-pro/6491169?ref=webvitaly "Upgrade to Pro")** |
> **[Anti-spam](http://web-profile.com.ua/wordpress/plugins/anti-spam/ "Plugin page")** |
> **[Donate](http://web-profile.com.ua/donate/ "Support the development")**

**Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents!**

Anti-spam plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, invisibly for users and for admins.

* **no captcha**, because spam is not users' problem
* **no moderation queues**, because spam is not administrators' problem
* **no settings page**, because it is great to forget about spam completely and keep admin section clean

Plugin is easy to use: just install it and it just works.

**Plugin blocks spam only in comments section**.

After installing the Anti-spam plugin **try to submit a comment on your site being logged out**.
If you get an error - you may check the solution in the [Support section](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/anti-spam) or submit a new topic with detailed description of your problem.

= Useful: =
* [Anti-spam Pro - extended version with settings and manual spam protection](http://codecanyon.net/item/antispam-pro/6491169?ref=webvitaly "Upgrade to Pro")
* [Security-protection - blocks brute-force attacks](http://wordpress.org/plugins/security-protection/ "stops brute-force attacks")
* [WordPress Pro plugins](http://codecanyon.net/popular_item/by_category?category=wordpress&ref=webvitaly)

== Installation ==

1. install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
2. enjoy life without spam in comments

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is the percentage of spam blocked? =

Anti-spam plugin blocks 100% of automatic spam messages (sent by spam-bots via post requests).
Plugin does not block manual spam (submitted by spammers manually via browser).
You can use [Anti-spam Pro](http://codecanyon.net/item/antispam-pro/6491169?ref=webvitaly "Upgrade to Pro") plugin if you need to block manual spam.

= Incompatible with: =

* Disqus
* Jetpack Comments
* AJAX Comment Form
* bbPress

= How does Anti-spam plugin work? =

The blocking algorithm is based on 2 methods: 'invisible js-captcha' and 'invisible input trap'.

= How does 'invisible js-captcha' method work? =

The 'invisible js-captcha' method is based on fact that bots does not have javascript on their user-agents.
Extra hidden field is added to comments form.
It is the question about the current year.
If the user visits site, than this field is answered automatically with javascript, is hidden by javascript and css and invisible for the user.
If the spammer will fill year-field incorrectly - the comment will be blocked because it is spam.

= How does 'invisible input trap' method work? =

The 'invisible input trap' method is based on fact that almost all the bots will fill inputs with name 'email' or 'url'.
Extra hidden field is added to comments form.
This field is hidden for the user and user will not fill it.
But this field is visible for the spammer.
If the spammer will fill this trap-field with anything - the comment will be blocked because it is spam.

= How to test what spam comments are rejected? =

You may enable sending all rejected spam comments to admin email.
Edit [anti-spam.php](http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/anti-spam/trunk/anti-spam.php) file and find "$antispam_send_spam_comment_to_admin" and make it "true".
You can also find the info block with total spam blocked counter in the admin comments section.
You can hide or show this info block in the "Screen Options" section. The info block visibility option is saved per user.

= Does plugin block spam from Contact or other forms? =

Plugin blocks spam only in comments form section and does not block spam from any other forms on site.
If you installed and activated the plugin and you still receiving spam - probably this could be because of some other forms on your site (for example comments forms).

= What about trackback spam? =

Users rarely use trackbacks because it is manual and requires extra input. Spammers uses trackbacks because it is easy to cheat here.
Users use pingbacks very often because they work automatically. Spammers does not use pingbacks because backlinks are checked.
So trackbacks are blocked by default but pingbacks are enabled. You may enable trackbacks if you use it.
Edit [anti-spam.php](http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/anti-spam/trunk/anti-spam.php) file and find "$antispam_allow_trackbacks" and make it "true".
You may read more about the [difference between trackbacks and pingbacks](http://web-profile.com.ua/web/trackback-vs-pingback/).

= Unobtrusive JavaScript =

Anti-spam plugin works with disabled JavaScript. JavaScript is disabled on less than 1% of devices.
Users with disabled JavaScript should manually fill catcha-like input before submitting the comment.

= And one more extra note... =

If site has caching plugin enabled and cache is not cleared or if theme does not use 'comment_form' action
and there is no plugin inputs in comments form - plugin tries to add hidden fields automatically using JavaScript.

= Not enough information about the plugin? =

You may check out the [source code of the plugin](http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/anti-spam/trunk/anti-spam.php).
The plugin is pretty small and easy to read.

== Changelog ==
= 3.5 - 2015-01-17 =
* removed function_exists check because each function has unique prefix
* removed add_option()
* added autocomplete="off" for inputs (thanks to Feriman)

= 3.4 - 2014-12-20 =
* added the ability to hide or show info block in the "Screen Options" section

= 3.3 - 2014-12-15 =
* refactor code structure
* added blocked spam counter in the comments section
* clean up the docs

= 3.2 - 2014-12-05 =
* added ANTISPAM_VERSION constant (thanks to jumbo)
* removed new spam-block algorithm because it is not needed

= 3.1 - 2014-12-04 =
* remove log notices

= 3.0 - 2014-12-02 =
* added new spam-block algorithm
* bugfixing
* enqueue script only for pages with comments form and in the footer (thanks to dougvdotcom)
* refactor code structure

= 2.6 - 2014-11-30 =
* reverting to ver.2.2 state (enqueue script using 'init' hook and into the header) because users start receiving spam messages

= 2.5 - 2014-11-26 =
* update input names

= 2.4 - 2014-11-25 =
* update input names

= 2.3 - 2014-11-23 =
* enqueue script only for pages with comments form and in the footer (thanks to dougvdotcom)
* clean up code

= 2.2 - 2014-08-03 =
* clear value of the empty input because some themes are adding some value for all inputs
* updated FAQ section

= 2.1 - 2014-02-15 =
* add support for comments forms loaded via ajax

= 2.0 - 2014-01-04 =
* bug fixing
* updating info

= 1.9 - 2013-10-23 =
* change the html structure

= 1.8 - 2013-07-19 =
* removed labels from plugin markup because some themes try to get text from labels and insert it into inputs like placeholders (what cause an error)
* added info to FAQ section that Anti-spam plugin does not work with Jetpack Comments

= 1.7 - 2013-05-31 =
* if site has caching plugin enabled and cache is not cleared or if theme does not use 'comment_form' action - Anti-spam plugin does not worked; so now whole input added via javascript if it does not exist in html

= 1.6 - 2013-05-05 =
* add some more debug info in errors text

= 1.5 - 2013-04-15 =
* disable trackbacks because of spam (pingbacks are enabled)

= 1.4 - 2013-04-13 =
* code refactor
* renaming empty field to "*-email-url" to trap more spam

= 1.3 - 2013-04-10 =
* changing the input names and add some more traps because some spammers are passing the plugin

= 1.2 - 2012-10-28 =
* minor changes

= 1.1 - 2012-10-14 =
* sending answer from server to client into hidden field (because client year and server year could mismatch)

= 1.0 - 2012-09-06 =
* initial release