- 4
- 0
About Us Update
#107 opened by lawrencedcodes - 7
Add Meetup link for upcoming events
#117 opened by Canfry - 2
Update the site to list as the primary means of learning about upcoming events.
#116 opened by jcsmileyjr - 0
Move hosting to Netlify
#119 opened by rjbeers - 2
Remove the Facebook "need for assistance".
#114 opened by jcsmileyjr - 1
Instructions on cloning this repo in preparation for open source contribution
#113 opened by jcsmileyjr - 0
Update the icons at the bottom of the page (Slack, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) with the name of the icon below it.
#115 opened by jcsmileyjr - 4
- 2
On a mobile device, the facebook and twitter buttons do not have a margin to space the buttons
#73 opened by moody2times - 4
[a11y] Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio
#24 opened by rjbeers - 4
[a11y] aria-* attributes do not have valid values
#28 opened by rjbeers - 1
[a11y] Buttons do not have an accessible name
#27 opened by rjbeers - 5
- 0
Typing animation on home page causes menu button to be pushed off screen with longer words
#64 opened by tjsutton11 - 4
[SEO] Links do not have descriptive text
#21 opened by rjbeers - 1
Images are large and cause slow page performance
#31 opened by rjbeers - 0
link preview image says Code Connective
#47 opened by rjbeers - 0
Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe
#29 opened by rjbeers - 0
[a11y] `id` attributes on the page are not unique
#23 opened by rjbeers - 0
- 1
There is no
#32 opened by xanderyzwich - 0
Could benefit from a
#44 opened by rjbeers - 3
- 0
[a11] Links do not have a discernible name
#25 opened by rjbeers - 0