
Implementing Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm with python. For graphical representation, using the python library matplotlib.

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation Details

Algorithm Adjustment for (m > 1)

In the traditional Bresenham's algorithm, the loop iterates over x-values for (0 < m < 1). However, when dealing with slopes (m > 1), adjustments are necessary to ensure accurate line drawing.

Iterating Over Y-values

To accommodate the case where (m > 1), the algorithm has been modified to iterate over y-values instead of x-values. This adjustment is crucial to handle lines with slopes greater than 1.

Loop Adjustment in Code

The specific modification is implemented within the draw_line function in draw_line.py. By dynamically detecting the slope of the line, the function determines whether to iterate over x-values or y-values. This approach ensures the algorithm's effectiveness for a broad range of slope values.

Graphical Outputs

Case 1

Case 1 Output

Case 2

Case 2 Output