Educational application for demonstrating human pH homeostasis
Code by Randall Britten, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland
Other team members:
- Peter Hunter, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland
- Bernard de Bono
August 2013
- Install Python
- Install SciPy and Numpy (from Christoph Gohlke if on windows,
- Install Qt (at time of writing, v4.8.5 is compatible with PySide 1.2.1)
- Install PySide
- Install Eclipse (requires installation of Java JVM)
- Install Pydev (Installed through eclipses 'Help/Install new software' menu option)
- Install Git (might already be available via Eclipse, depending on your version of Eclipse)
- Edit .ui files using Qt Designer
- Use pyside-uic to generate .py from .ui
- Main program is
- is mostly just the code generated from the CellML file at
- To generate code, get the CellML-API (, and run testCeLEDS using python.xml (under CeLEDS languages folder in CellML-API source)
- Tested on Windows 7 64 bit and GNU/Linux 64 bit platforms. Should also work on OSX.
- Continuous simulation interactive "real-time" mode, where adjusting sliders updates parameters as simulation runs.
- Current code is still a bit of a copy-n-paste-n-hack shambles to check that all the pieces will work together, and because a lot of the tools were being learned, it still needs design at the code level. Some progress here: small clean ups being done at each commit.
- Automated tests
- Figure out how to create Installer and then create scripts to make Installer
- Disable sliders that adjust model parameters during a solve. This does not mean that it can't be made "real-time interactive", to do that, solves will just be done in short bursts.
- Display parameter values, currently one has to guess their values from the slider positions.
- Display Legend for plots
- Allow user to select colour and line style
- Pan and zoom plot
- Units for plot axes
- Show other variables on plot, especially parameters that are under user control
- Consider using a separate thread for solve.
- Internationalisation, rather than hard-coded message and label strings.
- Check licensing terms on binaries that form part of distributable.
- Download py2exe
- Install it
- Get the file from github under resources/win
- Change into the directory containing ph-PyApp
- execute the command : python resources\win\ py2exe
The output should be an executable in a directory called 'dist'. Assuming you put the script in a directory called resources/win.