Firebase Auth REST API - Token Based Authentication

This is a token based authentication project for React. It gets token from Firebase and uses it to display the restricted content of the website.

This project will use "Firebase Auth REST API".

It will use the context api to store the login token, so that certain parts of the app can be displayed properly.


  • From Firebase Project section, click on "Authentication" tab and click on "Get started".
  • Choose "Email/Password" as "Sign-in method".
  • choose "enable" from the popped up window.


  • React-Context-API-Login-Logout-Management
  • React-Firebase-Create-Account
  • React-Firebase-Login-Account
  • React-Firebase-Logout-Account
  • React-Firebase-Change-Password
  • React-Firebase-Conditional-React-Router-Rendering-Rendering-Links-Conditionally
  • React-Persisting-Login-Status-Token-When-Page-Reloads-And-Setting-Expiration