Set up Instructions

  • Download Project Folder
  • Go to folder in your destop and run npm i
  • Once the dependencies get installed run npm run dev for test environment.

Available Pages

  • localhost:3000 (Page to POST data and GET text messages from database)
  • localhost:3000/feedback (Shows text messages as a List)
  • localhost:3000/api (Shows Database)
  • localhost:3000/api/someID (Request the database entry with given ID)

NextJS - API Notes

  • All backend API files will be stored in /pages/api/
  • localhost:3000/api will access the API file and show the result if the file under /pages/api is index.js. If it is a specially named file, for example aras.js, then it can be accessed from localhost:3000/api/aras
  • localhost:3000 designed to have email address and feedback field. Once sent, it will write the data to /data/database.json
  • The database data can be requested by going to localhost:3000/api
  • getStaticProps function can connect to API file. /pages/feedback/index.js has getStaticProps which can connect to /pages/api/index.js
  • API section can also have dynamic file name, which pretty much works like a dynamic page and the data can be accessed by
  • Slugs can also be used in API folder just like page creation [...slug].js.