NextJS Authentication

  • next-auth package is used for this project for authentication.
  • bcrypt package is used for this project for encryption of passwords.

Environmental Variable:

This environmental variable has to be set for authentication.

Options Environment Variables NEXTAUTH_URL When deploying to production, set the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable to the canonical URL of your site.


If your Next.js application uses a custom base path, specify the route to the API endpoint in full. More information about the usage of custom base path here.

How it Works - Next-Auth

I am using next-auth, v4 for this project.

Front End

Front End - Sign in

  • Signing in: ./components/auth/auth-form.js is the front end of the app. This component file uses "next-auth" client library to sign the user in.
  • Enable Using useSession Hook: In order useSession hook to work, we need to wrap ./pages/_app.js file with SessionProvider 'next-auth/react' component. This will be useful for the upcoming sections.
  • Not Rendering Links If Unauthenticated: Once login happens sessions has to be kept in the form of JWT. This is accomplished by using ./components/layout/main-navigation.js file. This component is used in ./components/layout/layout.js so the navigation section is pretty much the fixed component in every page. We will use the useSesssion hook of the "next-auth/client" library. useSesssion will control const { data: session, status } = useSession(); session data which then can be used to render various links such as "Login", "Profile" and "Logout" buttons in the same page.
  • Client Side Declining Access to Pages: In order to authenticate access to individual pages, for example ./pages/user-info.js, we can use const { data: session, status } = useSession(); on that page to render whether we have or don't have the session token. We have to also do this to prevent people to type manually to access the link.
  • Server Side Declining Access to Pages (getServerSideProps): Page ./pages/password.js is used for this example. The method is getSession.
  • Server Side Declining Access to Auth Form if Signed In: Check ./pages/auth.js for detail. The method is getSession.
  • Server Side Declining Access to Password Change: Check ./pages/user/change-password.js. The method is getSession.
  • Signing Out: Signout functionality is also controlled by ./components/layout/main-navigation.js file.
  • Password Changing: The ./components/profile/profile-form.js is the file that we can change password. The entered password then hoisted to ./components/profile/user-profile.js.

Back End

Back End - Sign Up

  • ./pages/api/auth/signup.js checks the validity of the credentials to sign up. If the username and password are valid, requests connection to the database and save it to database. It uses ./lib/db.js for database connection and ./lib/auth.js for password hashing and it uses "bcrypt" library.
  • ./pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js. This file is used to check if the signing in user typed the correct email and password. It is connected to ./components/auth/auth-form.js. signIn method in the front end directly connects to the [...nextauth].js because both front end and back end uses "credentials" as a parameter to access both and credentials.password on the backend. IMPORTANT NOTE:::: Make sure the location of [...nextauth].js is always under "/api/auth/". Otherwise it will give an error. Refer to this project for more information about [...nextauth].js file. In this project, there are methods to force session to have more info in it.
  • ./pages/api/user/change-password.js is used to change the password of the authenticated user.

Back End - Sign in

  • ./lib/auth.js file's "verifyPassword" function is used in ./pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js.