Pretty-print tables of Elixir structs and maps. Inspired by hirb.
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
{:scribe, "~> 0.11"}
Print a list of maps or structs as a table. Header columns are taken from the keys of the first element.
iex(1)> data = [%{key: "value", another_key: 123},
...(1)> %{key: "test", another_key: :key}]
iex(2)> Scribe.print(data)
| :another_key | :key |
| 123 | "value" |
| :key | "test" |
Useful for printing large collections, such as results of database queries
# %User{id: nil, email: nil}
iex(1)> User |> limit(5) |> Repo.all() |> Scribe.print()
| :__struct__ | :email | :id |
| User | "" | 5171 |
| User | "" | 4528 |
| User | "" | 1480 |
| User | "" | 2084 |
| User | "" | 6599 |
Scribe uses pane to paginate large tables.
Use with Scribe.console/2
# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}
iex(1)> User |> limit(5) |> Repo.all |> Scribe.console
| :__struct__ | :email | :first_name | :id | :last_name |
| User | "celestine_satterfield | "Gene" | 9061 | "Krajcik" |
| User | "" | "Maeve" | 9865 | "Gerlach" |
| User | "" | "Theodora" | 2262 | "Wunsch" |
| User | " | "Oswaldo" | 4977 | "Simonis" |
| User | "caesar_hirthe@reynold | "Arjun" | 3907 | "Prohaska" |
[1 of 1] (j)next (k)prev (q)quit
takes a list of of columns on the :data
options key to
customize output. You can use either the atom key or customize the header
with {"Custom Title", :key}
# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}
|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.print(data: [{"ID", :id}, :first_name, :last_name])
| "ID" | :first_name | :last_name |
| 9061 | "Gene" | "Krajcik" |
| 9865 | "Maeve" | "Gerlach" |
| 2262 | "Theodora" | "Wunsch" |
| 4977 | "Oswaldo" | "Simonis" |
| 3907 | "Arjun" | "Prohaska" |
You can specify functions that take the given row's struct or map as its only argument.
# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}
results =
|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.print(data: [{"ID", :id}, {"Full Name", fn(x) -> "#{x.last_name}, #{x.first_name}" end}])
| "ID" | "Full Name" |
| 9061 | "Krajcik, Gene" |
| 9865 | "Gerlach, Maeve" |
| 2262 | "Wunsch, Theodora" |
| 4977 | "Simonis, Oswaldo" |
| 3907 | "Prohaska, Arjun" |
Pass a width
option to define table width.
iex> Scribe.print(data, width: 80)
| :id | :key |
| 910 | "B1786AC67B4DEB19" |
| 313 | "30CB8A2DE4750070" |
| 25 | "D0859205FC7E7298" |
| 647 | "8F0060AD0BD6AB04" |
| 253 | "65509A684D619182" |
iex> Scribe.print(data, colorize: false)
Pass an alignment
option of :left
, :center
, or :right
for text alignment.
Defaults to :left
iex> Scribe.print(data, alignment: :center)
| :body | :current | :id |
| "A rather short string." | true | 1234 |
| "A rather short string." | false | 2222 |
| "A rather short string." | true | 4444 |
iex> Scribe.print(data, alignment: :right)
| :body | :current | :id |
| "A rather short string." | true | 1234 |
| "A rather short string." | false | 2222 |
| "A rather short string." | true | 4444 |
Scribe supports five styling formats natively, with support for custom adapters.
iex> Scribe.print(data, style: Scribe.Style.Default)
| :id | :inserted_at | :key |
| 457 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.095202Z" | "CEB0E055ECDF6028" |
| 326 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097519Z" | "CF67027F7235B88D" |
| 756 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097553Z" | "DE016DFF477BEDDB" |
| 484 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097572Z" | "9194A82EF4BB0123" |
| 780 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097591Z" | "BF92748B4AAAF14A" |
iex> Scribe.print(data, style: Scribe.Style.Psql)
:id | :inserted_at | :key
700 | "2017-03-27 14:41:33.411442Z" | "A2FA80D0F6DF9388"
890 | "2017-03-27 14:41:33.412955Z" | "F95094328A91D950"
684 | "2017-03-27 14:41:33.412991Z" | "1EAC6B28045ED644"
531 | "2017-03-27 14:41:33.413015Z" | "DC2377B696355642"
648 | "2017-03-27 14:41:33.413037Z" | "EA9311B4683A52B3"
Github Markdown
iex> Scribe.print(data, style: Scribe.Style.GithubMarkdown)
| :id | :inserted_at | :key |
| 457 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.095202Z" | "CEB0E055ECDF6028" |
| 326 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097519Z" | "CF67027F7235B88D" |
| 756 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097553Z" | "DE016DFF477BEDDB" |
| 484 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097572Z" | "9194A82EF4BB0123" |
| 780 | "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097591Z" | "BF92748B4AAAF14A" |
iex> Scribe.print(data, style: Scribe.Style.Pseudo)
│ :id │ :inserted_at │ :key │
│ 457 │ "2017-03-27 14:42:34.095202Z" │ "CEB0E055ECDF6028" │
│ 326 │ "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097519Z" │ "CF67027F7235B88D" │
│ 756 │ "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097553Z" │ "DE016DFF477BEDDB" │
│ 484 │ "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097572Z" │ "9194A82EF4BB0123" │
│ 780 │ "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097591Z" │ "BF92748B4AAAF14A" │
iex> Scribe.print(data, style: Scribe.Style.NoBorder)
:id :inserted_at :key
457 "2017-03-27 14:42:34.095202Z" "CEB0E055ECDF6028"
326 "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097519Z" "CF67027F7235B88D"
756 "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097553Z" "DE016DFF477BEDDB"
484 "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097572Z" "9194A82EF4BB0123"
780 "2017-03-27 14:42:34.097591Z" "BF92748B4AAAF14A"
Set a default one in your config if you like:
config :scribe, style: Scribe.Style.Psql
Unit tests can be run with mix test
or mix coveralls.html
This project uses Elixir's mix format
and Prettier for formatting.
Add hooks in your editor of choice to run it after a save. Be sure it respects this project's
Git commit subjects use the Karma style.
Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Codedge LLC (
This library is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE for details.