
use your own data struct

This uiTree not require you to convert your data to some specific struct.

two way data-binding

"Native" directive of tree mean the ui and data is directly two way binding. Not like others are based on jQuery tree plugins.

dom customize

You can customize the presenation of tree ui, just create your own dom and add three attributes to make a uiTree.


  1. ui-tree="treeSource" 用于指定 tree 的容器以及数据源
  2. node="item" 用于指定被 ng-repeat 的元素,item 则表示 node 的变量名,相当于 ng-repeat="item in treeSource"
  3. node-children="item.children" 用于指定 sub-tree 的容器,item.children 则表示子树的数据源

与另一个版本的 angular-ui-tree 相比更简洁,只提供最基础的按照数据递归渲染 DOM 的功能,方便开发者定制自己的 DOM 结构和功能



<ul ui-tree="treeSource">
    <li node="item" id="{{}}">
        <button ng-show="item.children" ng-click="toggle(item);">open</button>
        <ul node-children="item.children" ng-show="item.isOpen"></ul>
// you control your own data struct
// that mean if there is a 'x' field in you model
// you can just use {{your_variable_name.x}} in the dom
$scope.treeSource = [
    { id: 1, name: 'jack' },
    { id: 2, name: 'ivan', children: [ { id: 3, name: 'ivan`s son' }, { id: 4, name: 'ivan`s daughter' } ] }

$scope.toggle = function(item) {
    item.isOpen = !item.isOpen;