Beacon (WDI Project-3 Group)

Synopsis & Inspiration

For our project we decided to tackle building a product from a General Assembly UX Design Immersive (UXDI) students final project named Beacon. Their summary of Beacon is:

Allows Lonely Planet users to connect with other travelers in the same region, so they can either meet up or read and share suggestions about off-the-beaten-path adventures and real-time events not found in guidebooks.

Our goal was to build a web app based on the specs of this project.

You can view the original project here.

Learning Objectives

  • An API of your own design, built using Express & Mongoose, which serves JSON.
  • Front-end JS code that updates the UI, and makes requests to the API using AJAX.
  • Working collaboratively

User Stories

This is a list of all user stories and what we determined to be included in our MVP.

MVP = *

As a User :

    • sign-up using Facebook | user creation is easy
    • create a profile w/ current location & interests | other uses can see it and customize profile pic
  • add points of interests (maybe to map) |
    • search other user by interest and/or location | find potential travel companions
    • contact other users by email | we can decide to meet
    • view other user profile | we can decide to meet
  • add travel history | track my travels / other users can see it
  • simple blog/travel log | share my experiences / participate in community
  • upload travel photos
  • customize my profile
  • review other users

Technologies Used

  • JQuery
  • Mongodb
  • Mongoose
  • Passportjs
  • Expressjs
  • Nodejs
  • Bootstrap
  • Heroku
  • Git

Future Development

These are features we would like to update at a later time:

  • Messaging
  • On-boarding process
  • Adding Geo-location (lat, lon) - ability to filter users by distance
  • Filter by interests
  • Push states


Meet the team: