TuxLite is a free collection of shell scripts for rapid deployment of LAMP and LNMP stacks (Linux, Apache/Nginx, MySQL and PHP) for Debian and Ubuntu.
This guide will explore it's use and deployment, as well as steps to bring into full production. Portions of this guide are excerpts from the TuxLite website. For a better understanding of the script, it is highly that you visit the TuxLite website before proceeding.
Base Installation1
The initial installation entails downloading, configuring, and executing the TuxLite script.
To get started, you need to SSH into your server a become root by executing $ sudo su
Then, proceed with following steps to obtain and configure the script:
$ mkdir tuxlite
$ cd tuxlite
$ wget http://tuxlite.com/scripts/tuxlite.tar.gz
$ tar xzf tuxlite.tar.gz
$ nano options.conf
Before proceeding, it is recommended that you fully explore options.conf
Of the available options, I recommend setting:
as apt mirrors are not necessarily reliable sources.
for faster updates.
Once options.conf
is configured to your liking.
$ chmod 700 *.sh && chmod 700 options.conf
To execute the script, execute:
$ ./install.sh
Following the TuxLite tutorial you need to add a user:
$ adduser johndoe
However, the script disables root login, so you need to grant at least one user with sudo rights for system administration.
$ sudo usermod -a -G sudo johndoe
As this user is the sysadmin, forward all system email, normally sent to root@localhost
to this user
$ echo "root: john@doe.com" >> /etc/aliases && newaliases
Add a domain to the server
$ ./domain.sh add johndoe yourdomain.com
Optionally, install database GUI
$ ./setup.sh dbgui
Once again, please consult the TuxLite installation guide
$ aptitude install fail2ban
Configure fail2ban to whitelist your IP address and to send you ban notification emails:
$ cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
$ nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
- ignoreip = [yourIP]
- action = %(action_mw)
###ConfigServer Security & Firewall
$ wget http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz
$ tar -xzf csf.tgz
$ cd csf
$ sh install.sh
Next, test whether you have the required iptables modules:
$ perl /usr/local/csf/bin/csftest.pl
Generates email listing packages which are pending an upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install apticron