

Primary LanguageShell


This is simply my dot files from my pc. It contains all the vim plugins I use and vimrc file. It also contains the bashrc file i edited for easy terminal shell. Also , I like mutt as my mail client. So, I've included muttrc file too. Feel free to share yours too :)

##For VIM Editor To use colorscheme I used you should use terminal colorscheme to support clean color. See more details at http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized

If you use gnome-terminal or guake terminal, Follow this link : http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/solarized-must-have-color-paletter-for.html

#For Configuration Just clone this repo to home directory and make sure all .dot files are on home directory or you can manually download these files and directories and place it to your home directory

Thank You .... Enjoy .dot !!!

P.S.: Please download #urlscan and #urlview for mutt shortcuts for link browser