
Spring Boot Interview Questions & Answers With detailed explanation.

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  • Spring Boot Interview Questions & Answers With detailed explanation.

  • Youtube Channel - https://youtube.com/c/greenlearner

  • With New Year, New Starting ( Happy New Year 2020 !!)

What/Why/How about Spring Boot

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Tell me about some features of Spring Boot

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What is opinionated view of spring boot (or) what is auto configuration in spring boot?

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What are starters like spring-boot-starter-web in spring boot?

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Can you create the custom starters?

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Explain the working and detail of @SpringBootApplication

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Explain the working and detail of @EnableAutoConfiguration in spring boot.

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    Is Hot code swapping in spring boot possible?

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    How the banner is printed while spring boot app is starting? Can we change/disable it? If Yes then how?

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    Explain the startup process of spring boot application.

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How do you create the spring boot project ??

  • explain aboout spring initializr

  • spring boot cli

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Do you know about spring boot actuators?

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How do you use the spring-boot-devtools?

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How do you connect to DB in spring boot?

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What is spring-boot-data-starter?? And how to use it?

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How do you define/manage configuration i nspring boot? And how is it processed?

  • about .properties

  • about .yaml or .yml

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What is the default port where spring boot app is started? Can we change it?

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How to log is generated in spring boot? Explain diiferent aspect of this feature?

  • logging.level.org.springframework=DEBUG

  • logging.level.com.gl.interview=TRACE

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what are different emebedded container servers in spring boot? Some details about each?

  • tomcat

  • netty

  • undertow

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