
OSINT - Data Visualization - Blockchain - Awareness - Scam

Primary LanguagePython

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OSINT - Data Visualization - Blockchain - Awareness - Scam



Go to this site and click on the downdload button Or go to release section. Download the ZIP file called poorSKeme.zip

Unzip it, install requeriments and execute it.

unzip poorSKeme.zip
cd poorSKeme
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 poorSKeme --help
$$$$$$$\                                       $$$$$$\  $$\   $$\
$$  __$$\                                     $$  __$$\ $$ | $$  |
$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\        $$ /  \__|$$ |$$  / $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\$$$$\   $$$$$$\
$$$$$$$  |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\       \$$$$$$\  $$$$$  / $$  __$$\ $$  _$$  _$$\ $$  __$$\
$$  ____/ $$ /  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ |  \__|       \____$$\ $$  $$<  $$$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$$$$$$$ |
$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |            $$\   $$ |$$ |\$$\ $$   ____|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$   ____|
$$ |      \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |            \$$$$$$  |$$ | \$$\\$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$\
\__|       \______/  \______/ \__|             \______/ \__|  \__|\_______|\__| \__| \__| \_______|

usage: poorSKeme.py [-h] [-bc {bsc,eth}] [-ct CONTRACT] [-bf BLOCK_FROM] [-bt BLOCK_TO] [-c CHUNK] [-f FILE] [-w]

Contract analyzer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Get and process data:
  -bc {bsc,eth}, --blockchain {bsc,eth}
                        Select Blockchain (bsc, eth)
  -ct CONTRACT, --contract CONTRACT
                        address of contract
  -bf BLOCK_FROM, --block-from BLOCK_FROM
                        Block start
  -bt BLOCK_TO, --block-to BLOCK_TO
                        Block end
  -c CHUNK, --chunk CHUNK
                        Chunks of blocks

Process data from JSON file:
  -f FILE, --file FILE  JSON file of recolected data

Start WebServer visualization data:
  -w, --web             WEB for data visaulization


            # Extract TRXs of contract from block to block (Ethereum Network)
            python3 poorSKeme.py -bc eth -ct 0xb547027A4CCD46EC98199Fa88AAEDF5aA981Db26 -bt 6496413        # To collect

            # Extract TRXs of contract from block to block (Binance Smart Chain)
            python3 poorSKeme.py -bc bsc -ct 0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1 -bt 15552901       # To collect

            # Data Visualization of processed contract information (Binance Smart Chain)
            python3 poorSKeme.py -bc bsc -f F/contract-0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1.json -w  # To visualice data

If you use the web param, the port is 4200. The complete url is


Get the Free API from https://etherscan.io/apis (Ethereum) and from https://bscscan.com/apis (Binance Smart Chain) Load them in the API.yaml file replacing the XXX by the corresponding APIKey


Getting data

To collect data from contract 0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1 (Ethereum is the blockchain default)

python3 poorSKeme.py -ct 0xb547027A4CCD46EC98199Fa88AAEDF5aA981Db26

But this could take too long, so you can pass by parameter the block from and block to

python3 poorSKeme.py -bc bsc -ct 0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1 -bf 14040726 -bt 15552901

Or just block to

python3 poorSKeme.py -bc bsc -ct 0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1 -bt 15552901

Note the -bc parameter which indicates the blockchain network (Binance Smart Chain in this case)

This will result in a file named contract-bsc-[CONTRACT].json, for our example it will be called contract-bsc-0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1.json

Process data and visualization

After obtaining the data file you can process the information and visualize it by executing

python3 poorSKeme.py -f ./contract-bsc-0xe878BccA052579C9061566Cec154B783Fc5b9fF1.json -w

The above command will turn on two services, an internal API on port 5000 and the webi visualization on port 4200. Just open the browser and enter the address

Resume Detail Code Diagram



This is a young project, started in mid-March 2022, so it may contain errors. Over time, and with feedback, the project will grow and bugs will be fixed, but it is a personal project and the time dedicated to it is undetermined.


This is a young project, started in mid-March 2022, so it may contain errors. Over time, and with feedback, the project will grow and bugs will be fixed, but it is a personal project and the time dedicated to it is undetermined.


This is a young project, started in mid-March 2022, so it may contain errors. Over time, and with feedback, the project will grow and bugs will be fixed, but it is a personal project and the time dedicated to it is undetermined.

I posted the disclaimer three times, maybe you will read it even once

Simple Roadmap

  • Binance Blockchain support
  • Ethereum Blockchain support
  • Data collect
  • Visualization
  • Early detection of scams
  • Automatic anomaly detection


  • Traceability
  • Wallet identification

These last two points of the roadmap are subject to a lot of research, but nothing is impossible.