
Pentaho Kettle script for bulk uploading of CIs to CA Cloud Service Management

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CA Cloud Service Management Bulk Load CIs

Pentaho Kettle script for bulk uploading of CIs to CA Cloud Service Management

I no longer have access to Cloud Service Management so these are provided "as is". Contributions and improvements welcome. Happy to assist with bug-squashing and implementation in a limited capacity.

How To

Tested on Bamboo Only.

Install Kettle from here: http://community.pentaho.com/projects/data-integration

Bulk Import

  • Use main_ci_import.kjb to import bulk CIs from a text file (see sample cis.csv).

  • Replace user login details in tf_import_ci.ktr input step:

  • userName

  • userPassword

  • responseFormat - leave as "json"

  • url

  • Update HTTP Post step with http login details

Bulk Relate

  • Use main_ci_relate.kjb to relate CIs to each other from text file input (see sample ci_rels.csv).

  • Replace user login details in tf_relate_ci.ktr input step:

  • userName

  • userPassword

  • responseFormat - leave as "json"

  • url

  • Update HTTP Post step with http login details