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This library will help you to create simple Mazes.
using MazeCreator.Core;
Maze maze = Creator.GetCreator ().Create (10, 10);
This will create a maze 10 x 10:
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To get cell information you can do:
// maze [line, column]
Cell cell = maze [0, 1];
if (cell.HasRightWall) {
if (cell.HasLeftWall) {
if (cell.HasBottomWall) {
if (cell.HasTopWall) {
msbuild MazeCreator.sln
To create a maze using Kruskal algorithm use:
Maze maze = Creator.GetCreator (Algorithm.Kruskal).Create (10, 10)
This will create a maze like:
│ ╵ ╶─┤ ╷ ╶─┴─╴ │ ╷ │
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To create a maze using Prim algorithm use:
Maze maze = Creator.GetCreator (Algorithm.Prim).Create (10, 10)
This will create a maze like:
│ ╵ ╵ ╷ ╷ ╵ ╵ ╶───┘ │
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