🚖 Join us on a journey to create a full-featured Taxi App! In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll guide you through building a Taxi App from scratch, using both Flutter for cross-platform mobile development and SwiftUI for native iOS. We'll also set up the backend using Angular Material and Node.js Express.js REST APIs. Get ready to learn the entire app development process!
🔥 Key Highlights:
- Flutter & SwiftUI: Create a cross-platform and native iOS version of the Taxi App.
- Angular Material Backend: Set up the server-side logic and user interface with Angular Material.
- Node.js Express.js REST API: Develop robust and efficient APIs to power your Taxi App.
📊 App Features Covered:
- User Registration & Authentication
- Real-time Location Tracking
- Ride Booking & Management
- Cash Payment Processing
- Driver Matching & Ratings
- Customer Support & Notifications
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UI UX App Design by: Zikar Patel https://www.behance.net/patelzikar?ref=uistore.design
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- Youtube Full Playlist:Complete Taxi App Development in Flutter with Angular Material Backend | Node.js Express.js REST API Playlist
- Youtube Channel: @codeforany
- Youtube Channel Subscribe: @codeforany
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