
The code in this repository started off as sample code for migrating articles, queries and API resources from one instance of Alation to another. We then added some other samples of code.

File Description
notebook (dir) Notebooks used for demonstrating new APIs. Best consumed after watching the corresponding video on Community
Dockerfile A minimum dockerfile for creating a python environment. Not needed for any of the files in this repo. Creates a new NoSQL virtual Data Source using sample data Creates a sample API Data Source. Uses a weather API example. Note how it also populates title and description. Main script to demo how to use the AlationInstance object. Ditto, as demonstrated in Community Session Jan. 2023 Creates a sample BI virtual Data Source using sample data Sample configuration file. Uses "args" notation to easily convert to using an arg parser for the command line. Uses Data Source API to create a datasource. Note this is the native data source, as opposed to OCF. Uses unofficial API to assign users to custom groups Ditto, but uses official API token for unofficial API, making auth easier Creates a sample virtual data source with 3 tables, then adds column-to-column lineage Ditto, but with a file object at the start of the lineage and a BI object at the end. REMOVE? An example of a more complex script that uses an excel input file to migrate some table references in articles. Not documented very well. A script that consumes a CSV for input, adding all items to a simple custom homepage. Since there can now be several homepages, this may need to be modified a bit to work. Identifies tables that have lineage. Uses a combination of search API and dataflow API. More complex: consumes an XML file with lineage info as input and creates appropriate dataflow objects. Does some rudimentary, recursive, SQL parsing. Uses relational APIs (v2) to make a virtual copy of a physical (non-virtual) data source.
requirements.txt Sample file to show how to install python dependencies for this repo Tests a list of APIs using different user types. Uses unofficial APIs to consume a CSV file as input and create an article for each row, creating custom picker fields to reflect the values uses in the input file. Variation on, using CSVs as input Variation on, using CSVs as input
creme brulee Converts the output of an OCF connector MDE run in a special mode. Not for general use.


Files related to the "Alation Book of Knowledge". Should be used to see how to create a PDF. The abok_loader is no longer actively maintained.


Code samples using django. Needs to be executed in the Alation shell.


Code related to moving physical metadata from an on-site Alation instance to a cloud instance (for example). Uses a Postgres RDS database as a vehicle. This is more efficient than maintaining many virtual data sources. For more details, search for "The Virtual Data Source is Dead" on Community.


Notebooks used during previous training sessions. Recordings can be found on the Community site.


Sample code for "operations", e.g. checking the contents of backup archives.


A quasi SDK. Contains the AlationInstance class, which provides an easy way to call both official and non-official APIs.

The code is provided as-is and needs to be adapted to your own situation. You need to have a user name and password for each instance (source and target), or source materials in a pickle format (generated by the same code).