Drinking water visualization: Hardness, contents and cost

  • In the converter/ folder, you find raw data and small scripts that will process the rawdata int a model for the website
  • In the src/ folder, you will find HTML, CSS und JavaScript that will visualize the drinkingwater information.
  • When you run grunt gh-pages the online version will be renewed.

Online-Version: http://opendatalab.de/projects/trinkwasser/


This project uses transifex for translation. Translations can be found or created at https://www.transifex.com/codeforeurope/trinkwasser/languages/ Please install the transifex client to pull languages. Install your login credentials to ~/.transifexrc

hostname = https://www.transifex.com
password = pwd
token = 
username = username

To pull down locale

tx pull -a

After editing localisation changes in lang/locale/{in}

If you not in the language team for it won't let you write

Delete the other languages before saving the .po file you edited and executing..

tx push -t


npm install --dev #if set to normally install production dependencies only
npm install
npm start

Git before pushing your changes please do a pull request

git pull https://github.com/codeforeurope/trinkwasser.git master
