- 0
post general data analysis guidelines
#57 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
- 3
Data Analysis: Code/Graphs
#33 opened by JordanSiem - 0
Add code of conduct markdown file
#35 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Standardize and post code to create analyses
#55 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
- 0
- 0
Add Covid-19 label
#17 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Create and maintain social media platforms?
#28 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
- 1
Create graph of test statuses
#45 opened by BarkleyBG - 3
- 0
- 0
Create graphs at local MKE geography
#46 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
- 1
- 4
- 0
package management
#8 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
- 2
add sample language for sharing survey
#11 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
Add link to survey from covid19inwi
#12 opened by BarkleyBG - 3
- 9
Zip-to-MKE neighborhoods
#16 opened by AntonellaAzzarello - 1
Discuss Creating an Email Address
#27 opened by ctcb57 - 1
Brainstorming features for website
#26 opened by BarkleyBG - 8
- 1
Chose a theme and color template
#9 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Create a "test" website so that we can view any new analyses before it goes live?
#15 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Create data dictionary?
#13 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Onboarding process for new users
#14 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
- 1
- 0
Publish analyses to (any) website
#3 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
Determine data flow from raw to published
#2 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
Color Scheme option: Milwaukee People's Flag
#32 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
Add web page thanking contributing volunteers
#36 opened by BarkleyBG - 0
- 1
Build out a prototype of static site with Vue
#24 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
- 1
Create a graph from initial analysis
#25 opened by BarkleyBG - 1
GitHub training exercise
#23 opened by BarkleyBG - 2
Initial questions to ask the data
#7 opened by BarkleyBG - 0