
Cluster deployment for roles, scripts and other configuration

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cluster deployment for roles, scripts and other configuration.

A collection of shell scripts in a familiar init.d style control mechanism with deployment, installation and configuration faclilities for clusters.

Main concepts:

  • Host - one node in a cluster.
  • Cluster - a logical collection of hosts.
  • Role - a behavior which can run scripts on a host.
  • Deploy - sending cluster files to a host and running install scripts on each role.
  • Cluster config - config which is set by hosts and is propagated to the cluster on deployment.
  • Service - init.d style service, responds to start, stop, as well as install.


  • config-cluster-add.sh - interactively initialize a new cluster config.
  • config-cluster-host-add.sh - interactively add a new host to a cluster's config.
  • config-role-add.sh <host> [<order>] - interactively setup a role for a host; afterwards you can deploy.
  • deploy-remote-host.sh [<user>@]<host> - sends the cluster files and role information to a host and installs.
  • service-remote-host.sh <host> <action> [<role>] ... - a way to control the service (main-service.sh) on a remote host.
  • ssh-remote-host.sh <ssh-args> ... - helper script to ssh into a host or create a tunnel.
  • install-host.sh - this is run automatically by deploy-remote-host.sh on the remote host.
  • load-vars-remote-host.sh - used by the other scripts to derive and source variables.
  • main-service.sh <action> [<role>] ... - the main cluster-deploy /etc/init.d service deployed on hosts.

Example cluster, host and roles setup:

$ ./config-cluster-add.sh
Please enter a name for the new cluster:
Cluster setup, use config-cluster-host-add.sh to add hosts.

$ ./config-cluster-host-add.sh
Enter the name of the cluster to add to:
Enter the name of the host:
If you want to enter an IP address for this host please do so, otherwise press enter:
Host myhost001 added to cluster mycluster, use config-role-add.sh to add roles

$ ./config-role-add.sh myhost001 10
Enter the name of the role to add:
Role added for myhost001 to file: ../mycluster-deploy/hosts/myhost001/#0010-apt-update.sh

$ ./config-role-add.sh myhost001 20
Enter the name of the role to add:
Role added for myhost001 to file: ../mycluster-deploy/hosts/myhost001/#0020-docker-debian-7.sh

$ ./config-role-add.sh myhost001 200
Enter the name of the role to add:

Role mariadb
Role usage: <config-dir> <set-password>
Details: Create mariadb (mysql) database.

Please enter your parameters for this role's service:
"$HOST_DIR/mariadb-data" mypassword
Role added for myhost001 to file: ../mycluster-deploy/hosts/myhost001/#0200-mariadb.sh

$ mkdir ../mycluster-deploy/hosts/myhost001/mariadb-data
$ cp ~/saved_mysql_configs/my.cnf ../mycluster-deploy/hosts/myhost001/mariadb-data

$ ./deploy-remote-host.sh myhost001


  • clusters-example.conf - example file pointing to cluster directories.
  • clusters.conf - actual file pointing to your cluster directories.

Cluster Directory:

  • roles - directory similar to the main roles directory, but can contain roles local to the cluster. roles directory simply defines what are possible roles; a role is not actually used until a host references it.
  • config - configuration directory for the cluster. See also cluster config.
  • config/hosts - hosts file which can contain lines with <ip-addr> <hostname>, it lets you keep your hostname definitions in your cluster repo rather than depending on the actual hosts file. If you use the hosts role as well, you can get these hosts deployed to the cluster's actual /etc/hosts files.
  • hosts - directory containing a sub-directory per host in the cluster.
  • hosts/<host> - the host sub-directory declares which roles are actually used by the host, they are *.sh shell scripts similar to init.d services. The scripts can either add new functionality or call into the other roles, such as by calling a script in the roles directory. The scripts are run in alphabetical order, so a numbering scheme can be used when order is important, such as #0010-apt-update.sh and #0020-docker-debian-7.sh. A host's sub-directory can also contain further sub-directories if any additional data or configs are needed during deployment.

Builtin Roles:

  • TBD - see the roles directory and check out the script source.

Roles API:

  • $BASE_DIR - base directory of cluster-deploy deployed to a host.
  • $HOST_DIR - directory containing this host's roles deployed to a host, it's the same as hosts/<host> from the cluster directory.
  • $CLUSTER_CONFIG_DIR - the cluster config directory deployed to a host, it's the same as config from the cluster directory.
  • $LOCAL_DATA_DIR - local data for use on a deployed host. For scratch data, install temp files, working area, etc. This data will die with the host, so anything permanent needs to be saved elsewhere.
  • get_role_dir <role> - function to get a role directory by its name, since there are two different roles directories (builtin and cluster specific).
  • ###clusterconfig###<key>=<value> - a script which prints this notation can set a cluster config variable during deployment. It will propagate back to the caller and write a file under the cluster's config directory. From there the config can then be deployed to other hosts.

Example directory structure:

$ cd /home/wolf
$ mkdir wolf-cluster
$ git clone https://github.com/millerlogic/cluster-deploy.git
$ cat cluster-deploy/clusters.conf
$ ls wolf-cluster
config  hosts  roles
$ ls wolf-cluster/hosts
wolfhost001  wolfhost002
$ ls wolf-cluster/hosts/wolfhost001
#0010-apt-update.sh #0020-docker-debian-7.sh #0050-autossh.sh 
#0012-hosts.sh #0030-ssh.sh #0200-mariadb-master-1of2.sh
#0040-tools.sh #0300-postfix.sh postfix-config mariadb-master-1of2-config
$ cat wolf-cluster/hosts/wolfhost001/\#0012-hosts.sh
$BASE_DIR/roles/hosts/service.sh "$@"