#What is this?

TLV data formmat parser for EMV transaction. Conforming to http://www.openscdp.org/scripts/tutorial/emv/TLV.html. Tested on Miura Payment System. Hope it helps.

#How to use it?

Import EMVTLV.h to your project.

Main methods.

//from TLV raw NSData to TLV Class Instance.

+ (EMVTLV*)unserialise:(NSData*)responseData;

//from TLV Class Instance to TLV raw NSData.

- (NSMutableData*) serialise;


// Init a TLV with tag and its value

- (instancetype)initWithTag:(EMVTag*)tag Value:(NSObject*)value;

// Return number of tag-value couple.

- (int)__len__;

// Return the tag-value couple at the position of index

- (instancetype)__getitem__:(NSUInteger)index;

// Check if the EMVTLV instance is empty - (BOOL)empty;

// Get the first tag in the EMVTLV instance

- (EMVTag*)firstTag;

// Get all the tags in eht EMVTLV instance

- (NSArray*)tags;

// Append a TLV tag-value couple at the end of a EMVTLV instance

- (void)extend:(EMVTLV*)tlv; - (void)append:(EMVTag*)tag Value:(NSObject*)value;

// Search and return all the tag-value couples under a tagPath

- (NSMutableArray*) _search:(NSString*)tagPath;

// Search and return the first tag-value couple under a tagPath

- (instancetype)firstMatch:(NSString*)tagPath;