
Managing Windows Logs in a SQL Database

Primary LanguageTSQL


Experiments with SQL and log file ingestion using SQL and PowerShell

Log Schema

The syslog files being ingested here have the following schema:


  • Date-Time
  • Time Zone
  • Level
  • Host address
  • Host name
  • Input source
  • Message text

Date Format

ddddd (e.g. 2/5/2021)

Time Format

ttttt (e.g. 12:25:25 AM)

Date-Time Format

ddddd ttttt

Field Delimiter

| (Pipe)


Double quotes

PowerShell Classes

These classes are currently unused in this project but may be helpful later.

Class LogCollection {
  # Props

  # Constructor
  LogCollection([Array]$CSVData) {
    ForEach ( $Row in $CSVData) {
      try {
        $This.Data += [LogEntry]::new($Row)
      catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

Class LogEntry {
  # Props

  # Constructor
  LogEntry([Object]$Row) {
    $This.Timestamp = $Row.Timestamp;
    $This.TimeZone = $Row.TimeZone;
    $This.Level = $Row.Level;
    $This.HostIP = $Row.HostIP;
    $This.HostName = $Row.HostName;
    $This.Protocol = $Row.Protocol;
    $This.Message = $Row.Message;