
A reference app in flutter using the BLoC pattern.

Primary LanguageDart


A sample Flutter app that shows how to manage responsive state using the leadding state management patterns


Methods Illustrated

BLoC pattern

  • Using a BLoC pattern for global app state
  • Using the BlocProvider pattern for accessing the model
  • Using BehaviorSubject methods to make elements reactive

Provider pattern

  • Using a provider for global app state
  • Using a provider as a view model for a screen
  • Using ChangeNotifierProvider<T> to make the app reactive
  • Consumption of providers using Provider.of<T>(context) method

Riverpod pattern

  • Using a ProviderScope for global app state
  • Using a StateNotifier for the model for a screen
  • Using StateNotifierProvider to make the app reactive
  • Consumption of providers using ref.watch and ref.read method

Singleton Persistence

  • App and screen state saves when changed and is loaded on startup
  • An instrance of SharedPreferences is created globally as a singleton
  • Providers are able to save and load their own state