Chitter: A Twitter Clone

Chitter is a portfolio project developed in Week 4 of the Makers Academy software engineering course. It showcases the skills and knowledge acquired by building a full-stack web application that mimics the basic functionality of Twitter. The project demonstrates the ability to plan, design, and implement a functional web application from scratch using Python, Flask, and Peewee ORM for database management.


  • User Registration: Users can create an account by providing their name, username, email, and password.
  • User Login: Registered users can log in using their username and password.
  • Authentication: Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt before storing them in the database.
  • Security: User sessions are managed using Flask's session functionality.
  • Peep Creation: Only authenticated users can access the home page to post peeps.
  • Peep Viewing: All peeps are displayed in reverse chronological order on the home page and the user's home page.
  • User Logout: Logged-in users can log out of the application.
  • Responsiveness: The application is built with a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Redirect: Unauthenticated users are redirected to the login page.

Tech Stack

Layer Technology
Backend Python Flask PostgreSQL Peewee Bcrypt
Frontend HTML5 CSS3 Jinja Bootstrap
Testing Pytest Playwright
Tools TablePlus

Technical Approach and Skills Demonstrated

The Chitter Challenge project was developed using a full-stack approach, utilizing Python and the Flask framework for the backend and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend. The project showcases the following technical skills and development processes:

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Implemented user registration, authentication, and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure access to the application. Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt for added security.
  • Schema Design: Designed and structured a relational database schema using PostgreSQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Database Management: Utilized the Peewee ORM for database management and querying, effectively interacting with the PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve user data and peeps.
  • Responsive Web Design: Designed and developed responsive web pages using HTML Jinja templates, Bootstrap and CSS ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Implemented unit tests using the Pytest testing framework and Playwright to ensure the correctness and functionality of the application's codebase.
  • Dependency Management: Managed project dependencies effectively using Pipenv, ensuring a consistent and isolated development environment.
  • Version Control and Collaboration: Utilized Git for version control and hosted the codebase on GitHub, enabling collaborative development and version tracking.

Through the development of this project, I have demonstrated proficiency in these technical skills and a systematic approach to software development, including design, implementation, testing, and deployment.


  • Python 3.x
  • Pipenv


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd chitter-challenge
  3. Install the project dependencies using Pipenv:

    pipenv install
  4. Set up the environment variables:

    • Rename the sample.env file to .env


      Replace your_database_name, your_database_username, your_database_password, your_database_host, and your_secret_key with your actual database and secret key values.

  5. Activate the virtual environment:

    pipenv shell
  6. Run the database migrations:

  7. Start the application:

  8. Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:5001.


To run the unit tests for the Chitter Challenge application, use the following command:


Future Developement

Some additional features I may implement for Chitter:

  • Implementing user profiles with profile pictures and bio information.
  • Adding the ability to follow other users and view their peeps.
  • Introducing features like liking and commenting on peeps.
  • Implementing real-time updates using WebSocket technology.
  • Enhancing the user interface with more advanced styling and animations.