A web application for designing vector data styles and interactive webmaps based on the Mapbox Style Specification. Simply add your data, customize the styling to your preferences and export it as a JSON file.
Visit MapStyler and try it. For more information on the how, what and why behind MapStyler, see my blogpost Launching MapStyler.
- Support for various datasources:
- geoJSON files
- OGC API Vectortile in WebMercator projection (beta)
- Basic styling for point, line and polygon features
- Create new layers using data filters
- Style layers
- export style as Maplibre style JSON
- Click interaction to show attributes of features
The tool is in development and many more features are to come:
- Add support for Maptiler GeoJSON layers as data source
- Add option to export a basemap layer
Suggestions and ideas for futher development are welcome.