
Go Go Value Object! A Golang implementation of value objects

Primary LanguageGo

Go Go Value Object!

Build Status

Inspired by my interest in domain driven design and Nicolò Pignatell's value object library for PHP I wanted to see if value objects could be implemented in Golang. Currently this is very much WIP with only two value objects: 1) a roman numeral 2) email address


go get github.com/codeinabox/go-go-valueobject


	import (

	func main() {
		email, err := valueobject.NewEmailAddress("joe@blogs.com")

		differentEmail, err := valueobject.NewEmailAddress("mandy@blogs.com")
		if email.Equals(differentEmail) == false {
			fmt.Println("As expected the two emails are different")

Implementing your own value object

Implementing your own value object is easy, it just needs to adhere to the Value interface eg

	import (

	type Identifier struct {
		value string

	func NewIdentifier(value string) (Identifier, error) {
		var n Identifier
		n.value = value
		return n, nil

	func (n Identifier) String() string {
		return n.value

	func (n Identifier) Equals(value valueobject.Value) bool {
		otherIdentifier, ok := value.(Identifier)
		return ok && n.value == otherIdentifier.value


godoc or http://godoc.org/github.com/codeinabox/go-go-valueobject