Movie Collection (ASP.NET 4.6.1)


Movie Collection is a simple demonstration application of ASP.NET, MVC, and Entity Framework using .NET Framework rather than .NET Core. CRUD operations have been provided to create, read, update, and delete movies from a local database. This can be accessed via the "Movies" link in the top navigation bar.


Movies Screenshot



The Home controller provides static content via its Index action (home landing page for the site), About action, and Contact action.


Returns a ViewResult for the controller's Index view, which is the home landing page when the user does not provide any routing.


Returns a ViewResult for the controller's About view which gives a brief explantion of the capabilities of the site.


Returns a ViewResult for the controller's Contact view which gives some contact information for the author of the site.


The Movies controller provides a means of performing CRUD operations on Movie entities within the backing, local database. Additionally, users can filter movies by title and genre.


Provides a listing of all movies in the backing database. Optionally allows users to filter these results by title and/or genre.


Provides the user with a form with which the user can create a new Movie entity to store in the backing database. On POST, this action will actually commit the new movie to the database.


Provides the user with a form with which the user can modify an existing Movie entity in the database. On POST, the action commits the new Movie state to the database.


Provides the user with a confirmation prompt along with a summary of the Movie entity they chose to delete. If the user confirms the deletion, this action will delete the Movie entity from the database on POST.


Provides the user with details about the various properties contained within an existing Movie entity in the database.



Contains the following properties to allow for code-first migrations using Entity Framework:

  • int Id - Primary key for each Movie entity in the database
  • DateTime ReleaseDate - The date on which the movie was released
  • string Genre - The genre of the movie
  • decimal Price - The price of purchasing the movie on DVD
  • string Rating - The MPAA content rating for the movie (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17). Marked as "NR" if the movie has not been rated by the MPAA.

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