
Author: Joshua Taylor Version: 1.0.1


WordGuess is a game which allows the user to guess the letters to a random mystery word two at a time until all of the word's letters have been revealed. These words are loaded from a comma-separated word bank stored as a text file on disk. Additionally, users are able to view this word bank's contents, add new words to the word bank, and remove words from the word bank. All changes are saved to disk and will persist across sessions.

Getting Started

WordGuess targets the .NET Core 2.0 platform. The .NET Core 2.0 SDK can be downloaded from the following URL for Windows, Linux, and macOS:


The dotnet CLI utility would then be used to build and run the application:

cd WordGuess
dotnet build
dotnet run

Additionally, users can build, run, and perform unit testing using Visual Studio 2017 or greater by opening the solution file at the root of this repository.


Home Menu

Home Menu Screenshot

Guessing Letters

Guessing Letters Screenshot


Victory Screenshot

Viewing the Word Bank

Viewing Words Screenshot

Adding Words to Word Bank

Adding Words Screenshot

Removing Words to Word Bank

Removing Words Screenshot


WordGuess uses C# and the .NET Core 2.0 platform. Methods are provided to load a word bank file from disk, parse comma-separated words from that word bank, and to select random words from the word bank. All file I/O is handled through streams in the System.IO namespace.

The gameplay UI is handled through a command line interface on the console provided via the System namespace.

Word Bank File Format

Word bank files are simple text files with words separated by commas. These words are not case sensitive. Whitespace can be added between entries to ease the human readability of the file. By default, WordGuess looks for a word bank file at the path "......\wordbank.txt" relative to the working directory of the executable.

Random Selection of Words

Word bank files are parsed using commas as separators, and each word is stored into elements of a string array. The parser can handle whitespaces between entries added to ease human readability of the file. The resultant array is then indexed using a random number generator.

Data Model

WordGuess loads word bank files into memory before every session. These files are loaded into an array of strings with one word chosen at random before every game. Each game session tracks the letters which have already been guessed by the player and the chosen mystery word.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

WordGuess operates on a finite state machine representing a session of play, viewing the word bank, adding new words to the word bank, and removing words from the word bank. Simple prompts for user input are read and the state is adjusted accordingly after validating correct input.

Game Logic

WordGuess allows the user to input up to two letters at a time to guess against the mystery word chosen at random at the start of gameplay from the word bank. Each successful guess will reveal that letter as it appears in the mystery word with underscores representing letters which the player has not yet guessed. When the number of correctly guessed letters reaches the number of letters in the mystery word, the game determines that the player has won and presents a congratulatory message.

Change Log

  • 3.30.2018 Joshua Taylor - Fixed user input problem after choosing to start a new game and immediately pressing the enter key. Added two new unit tests.
  • 3.22.2018 Joshua Taylor - Initial release. All tests are passing.