Author: Joshua Taylor Version: 1.0.0
LinqInManhattan demonstrates using Language Integrated Querying (LINQ) in C# in addition to JSON deserialization with the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package. Source data has been provided in the form of a minified JSON file called data.json representing geolocational data across various boroughs and neighborhoods in New York City. LINQ is used to select the neighborhood data specifically and to filter out any blank or duplicate results. These neighborhoods are then printed to the console.
GenericCollections targets the .NET Core 2.0 platform. The .NET Core 2.0 SDK can be downloaded from the following URL for Windows, Linux, and macOS:
The dotnet CLI utility would then be used to build and run the application:
cd LinqInManhattan
dotnet build
dotnet run
Additionally, users can build and run LinqInManhattan using Visual Studio 2017 or greater by opening the solution file at the root of this repository. No unit tests were included with this solution.
LinqInManhattan makes LINQ queries against generic collections which are deserialized from geolocation data taken from a provided JSON file, data.json. Each JavaScript object type in the JSON was translated into C# classes manually, and then the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package was used to perform the deserialization into C# objects of these classes.
Geometry contains a string property called type corresponding to the "type" field within JSON geometry objects. The payload, "coordinates", is stored in a double array property called "Coordinates".
The Properties class contains the addressing data for each feature within the JSON data set as C# string properties. Properties.Neighborhood is used by the LINQ queries to select a list of all of the neighborhoods represented by the features included in the dataset.
The Feature class is used to deserialize feature objects from the JSON dataset. The type field is included as a string property in addition to Geometry and Properties properties.
FeatureCollection is a C# class corresponding to the "FeatureCollection" JSON root object. FeatureCollection implements the IList<Feature> interface and supports LINQ queries against it. This implementation is provided through the "Features" property of type List<Feature>
Some queries have been added to the FeatureCollection class as pre-made LINQ queries for FeatureCollection objects to execute. These include an unfiltered neighborhood query which returns all Feature.Neighborhood properties from the FeatureCollection.Features list regardless of whether they are empty or duplicate entries. In addition, a query which removes empty strings as well as one that eliminates duplicates are provided. Finally, the FeatureCollection.GetAllUniqueNonEmptyNeighborhoodsConsolidated() performs the non-empty, unique neighborhood query as a single LINQ query rather than a cumulative series of subqueries.
The source data for this program is stored in an external data.json file which consists of the aforementioned JavaScript objects grouped by Feature objects as an array within the root FeatureCollection object. This JSON file is deserialized using Newtonsoft.Json into native C# class objects from the JSON root up through its descendent objects, stored as key/value pairs in JSON. The deserialized objects are stored on the heap and are queried against without any changes being made or any serialization being performed back to data.json or any other persistent data store.
LinqInManhattan uses a command line interface through the user's console environment. Each query result is displayed to the users across two columns, and the results are paginated for ease of reading. Between each page is a prompt for the user to press a key to continue to either the next page of results or to the first page of the next query. A short description of each query is provided at the top of the first page of results.
- 3.29.2018 Joshua Taylor - Initial release. All tests are passing.