WikiWikiWiki (Wk3) is a simple wiki platform built in ASP.NET Core, Razor Pages, Entity Framework, Sass, and Markdown. Posts can be created, edited, deleted, searched, and viewed by any users accessing the site. Posts are formatted using Markdown to enable rich text formatting, images, links, etc.
Displays a static page containing a bit of information about WikiWikiWiki and contact information about the author.
Either displays a specific article if an id is provided as an argument or displays a random article from the database if no id is provided.
Displays a form to create a new article or to edit an existing article if an id is provided. The form data is sent to one of two HTTP POST handlers to commit the new/edited article to the database or to delete an existing article if the delete button was pressed. Posts can be entered in Markdown syntax and will be rendered using the site's CSS.
Displays search results based on a provided searchString in descending chronological order. Can optionally provide a count argument to only retrieve a specified number of articles (used in the site to implement the "Latest 5 Articles" feature). Searches on the articles' titles only for scalability and relevance reasons (common words could potentially return a lot of unwanted results or out of context results)
Articles are represented in the database as an Article class for code-first migration via Entity Framework. All pages which need to perform lookups or modifications to the Article table can do so through the IArticleService interface through dependency injection (DI).
All styling is created via Sass (SCSS). All SCSS files are contained in the ~/style/ directory and are compiled to CSS for rendering via the Sass tool. Within the style directory there is a base subdirectory containing a user agent reset and variables used in the other scripts. The elements subdirectory contains styles for specific elements within the site not dealing with the overall layout. The layout subdirectory contains styling for major layout classes for the sidebar, main content area, and the overall site wrapper class.
Special thanks goes out to the contributors of the TagHelper Samples project which can be found on the project's website or on GitHub.
- 5.13.2018 - Joshua Taylor - Initial release. No unit testing.