
Simple PHP classes providing a clean, readable and extensible interface for processing CSV files

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP CSV objects

Just a simple set of objects that making dealing with CSV files easier.

Sample usage

Reading data out of a CSV file:

$pathToFile = '/path/to/file.csv';
$file = new CSV_File($pathToFile);
$file->setFieldDelimiter('|'); // optional
foreach ($file as $row) {
    do_something_with($row['name'], $row['age']);


$pathToFile = '/path/to/file.csv';
$file = new CSV_File($pathToFile);
$file->write('col1', 'col2', 'col3');

Process a raw CSV into a new one:

$pathToSourceFile = '/path/to/rawfile.csv';
$inFile = new CSV_File($pathToFile);
$inFile->setColumnNames(array('name', 'age'));

$pathToDesinationFile = '/path/to/file.csv';
$outFile = new CSV_File($pathToDestinationFile);

foreach ($inFile as $inRow) {
    if ($inRow['age'] < 21) {
    $outRow = array(


  • Set names of columns for more readable code
  • Uses a SplFileObject as an iterator, which can be subclassed or overridden for custom behaviour.

To come

  • A loader class for working with MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE ... command.