Billing API

Go Report Card

A billing API with user management wrote in Go for a test.



# Postgres configuration

# port, default to 8080

Running with Docker

The project comes with a Docker Compose v3 that runs PostgreSQL database and the API. You can update the configuration in the docker-compose.yml file.

$ git clone
$ cd test-billing-api
$ docker compose up -d --build

Running on Linux

On Linux, to clone and build this application, you’ll need Git and Golang installed. You’ll also need a PostgreSQL database running aside and export the configuration as environnement variable as specified above.

$ git clone
$ cd test-billing-api

# clean the project, install dependancies and build the binary
$ make

# run the application
$ ./bin/billing-api

About the development and possible enhancement

This project has been made for a technical test in less than a day.

  • Docker, log implementation : 2h
  • Endpoints, connectors : 4h
  • README : 45min

There is also some points that could be improved in the future

  • The database schema could have a dedicated table for transactions. That could allow users to pay up an invoice in multiple transactions, but also we could keep traces on this.
  • Database could be an implentation. Instead of relying directly on PostgreSQL we could use an implentation for supporting updates, or for using a different database / library
  • Handling Docker stop signals
  • Use a configuration library to support .env files and/or CLI arguments
  • Add versionning on routes to handle breaking changes
  • Query optimisation
  • Use FLOAT instead of BIGINT on amounts or balance variables on the database schema

Library used