
Fuji is a borrowing aggregator protocol offering users the cheapest borrowingrate in Defi.

Primary LanguageSolidity

🗻Fuji Finance

Borrowing Aggregator

Fuji is a protocol that aims to optimize loan expenses for DeFi users. It achieves this by monitoring the borrowing markets and whenever there is a better rate, it refinances the debt its users. More details could be found here.


1. Setup

Create a file .env and set at least one of the following:


2. Install dependancies and run a mainnet fork

yarn install
yarn fork

3. Deploy contracts

# core markets
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
# fuse markets
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-fuse.js

4. Tests

npx hardhat test --network localhost test/<file-with-tests>.js 

5. Requirements

  • node: 14.17.1
  • yarn: 1.22.10

Coding Style and Conventions

We use solhint as a linter and prettier as a code formatter.

A non-exhausitve list with some synthax rules:

  • Contract names must be CamelCase, so the file containg it.
  • Public and external functions name must be in camelCase.
  • Private and internal functions name must be in _camelCase.
  • Getter functions must be in getCamelCase.
  • Setter functions must be in setCamelCase.
  • Function parameters must be in _camelCase.
  • Event names must be in CamelCase.
  • Modifier name must be in mixedCase.
  • Private and internal variables must be in _camelCase.
  • Public variables must be in camelCase.