Ape Staking Public

This repository contains all the smart contracts related to $APE Staking. It also contains the script needed to deploy these contracts to either local environment or Goerli testnet and set all the needed values to start interacting with the staking contract.


Install Node.js v16.2.0.

Run npm install to install dependencies.

Environment Variables

Create a .env file at the root of the project, and add the following variables (also visible in .env.example):



The script behind the scenes

  • Deploys a mock $APE ERC-20 coin contract
  • Deploys mock BAYC, MAYC, BAKC ERC-721 contracts
  • Deploys the staking Contract
  • Deploys the $APE Staked Voting contract
  • Sets up the TimeRange structs for all the 4 pools for the first year with the real values (amount of distributed $APE for the first 4 quarters, max amount, duration of quarters etc..) These can be changed as needed for testing. Also, the distribution start time is set as the next top of the hour (i.e. running the script at 5:25 PM, then distribution starts at 6 PM)


In a separate terminal, run npx hardhat node to spin up a local Ethereum environment.

Run npm run contracts:deploy:local to compile and deploy all the contracts.


Provide values for the following environment variables in the .env file


Run npm run contracts:deploy:goerli to compile and deploy all the contracts.