Gas optimization suggestion to save on writing to cold storage on each execute
and bulkExecute
calls, in essence, the current mainnet version, it uses the reentrancyGuards that relies on a boolean to lock and unlock the function call, which has an overhead of cold storage writing on each transaction, when it assigns the variables from default value (i.e: false) to true, which would consume quite a lot of gas fee. by revising the appraoch and using 1 and 2 as false and true consequitavely, we would be able to save 36139 (36139/245744 = 14.7%) gas for execute
and 54969 (54969/423,495 = 13%) gas for bulkExecute with 2 Executions
. note that files ending with Optimized
, are files that have the suggested optimization.
There is another optimization that i did not included, i would like to highlight it here separately, which is remainingETH variable can be set after each transaction to 1 instead of 0:
instances: BlurExchangeOptimized.sol
modifier setupExecution() {
require(!isInternal, "Unsafe call"); // add redundant re-entrancy check for clarity
remainingETH = msg.value;
isInternal = true;
remainingETH = 1; // changed
isInternal = false;
// used to be called once to initialize storage variables
function initializeV2() external {
require(isInternal == 0, "Initialized internal");
require(reentrancyLock == 0, "Initialized lock");
isInternal = 1;
remainingETH = 1; // added
reentrancyLock = 1;
install the dependencies:
forge install
run the following to view the console log
forge test -vv
run the following to view the console log + internal calls
forge test -vvvvv
the following are transactions that were used in the gas profiling:
execute: txHash: 0xa0c7742713c3de84d117309abb892ed22c7da0cf21463be73f14a9bf041cbe56
bulkExecute: txHash: 0xc16f67ce5dd5b1048be2f197779b0950d1c6a14c41313dffb0f9d0498c4b0cf4