- bin-hw92
- bluejoyq@toss
- BradleyyKimSeoul. South Korea
- createhb21Redblue Inc.
- cy3589
- DL-Berkey
- dnr14
- downpoolKorea, Rep.
- GitHWSBusan
- glasskSeoul, Korea
- HA-SEUNG-JEONG@AgileGrowth
- High-PO@Hyperithm
- jacob0bae@xl8-ai
- Jaeman-Lim
- jinho-222@nvirlabs
- ksh5324@CNS-DGSW
- le2sky@woowacourse
- luckjjh@LGE-OSS
- Minny27@WePlanet
- mrbrightsiide
- oozeumeSeoul, South Korea
- Palwol
- seanswim
- seongbin9786Coinone
- shin-junghoKorea
- Siby1lA@goondori
- SpringintheFallBusan,Republic of korea
- sukyungdevBusan / Korea
- sven0906
- thejswSoongsil Univ, department of AI
- tooooo1wello @hamsurang
- yeodahuiBusan University for Foreign Studies, 컴퓨터소프트웨어학부
- Yeonlisa
- yj95228
- zeromountain너디스타
- zwonlala