Arithmetic Parser


Implement a parser to take a string and compute its numerical value using the given rules. Operators should be applied in order of precedence from left to right. An exception to this is brackets which are used to explicitly denote precedence by grouping parts of an expression that should be evaluated first.

Rules a = ‘+’, b = ‘-’, c = ‘*’, d = ‘/’, e = ‘(’, f = ‘)’

Acceptance Criteria

Input: “3a2c4”

Result: 20

Input: “32a2d2"

Result: 17

Input: “500a10b66c32”

Result: 14208

Input: “3ae4c66fb32"

Result: 235

Input: “3c4d2aee2a4c41fc4f”

Result: 990

How to Run this Project

  1. Clone this project
git clone
cd arithmetic-parser
  1. Run the program
cargo run

A prompt should launch in your terminal

If you type in the string you want to calculate e.g. 3a2c4 and it should return 20

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running `/Users/uriah/Code/arithmetic_parser/target/debug/arithmetic_parser`
arithmetic-parser> 3a2c4
Result: 20
arithmetic-parser> _
  1. Build for release
cargo build --release
cd target/release

an prompt should launch in your terminal If you type in the string you want to calculate e.g. 3a2c4 and it should return 20

arithmetic-parser> 3a2c4
Result: 20
arithmetic-parser> _
  1. Run test cases
cargo test


    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running unittests src/ (/Users/uriah/Code/arithmetic_parser/target/debug/deps/arithmetic_parser-821f89864bc36f83)

running 4 tests
test tests::test_division_by_zero ... ok
test tests::test_unmatched_opening_parenthesis ... ok
test tests::test_evaluate_expression ... ok
test tests::test_unmatched_parenthesis ... ok

How to Run Arithmetic Parser

  1. You can either download the binary file (MacOS Only) from release page from source or build it yourself if your on Linux or Windows


2 . Give it permission to run

Go to System Settings > Security & Privacy


  1. Click Open Anyway prompted.png

Install and continue install.png

  1. you will be prompted to enter your password


  1. if asked to delete the installer, click move to trash


  1. open your terminal and type in arithmetic-parser

start typing in your expression and press enter to evaluate cli.png