
The `ph-region` Rust module provides a comprehensive way to manage and interact with a predefined set of regions, such as administrative regions in the Philippines. This module allows easy access to region details through various utility functions.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

PH Regions Rust Library


The ph-region Rust module provides a comprehensive way to manage and interact with a predefined set of regions, such as administrative regions in the Philippines. This module allows easy access to region details through various utility functions.


  • List Region Details: You can list region codes, names, and abbreviations.
  • Parse from Strings: Convert string input into region enum instances.
  • Display Full Names and Codes: Easily retrieve full names or codes of regions for display purposes.
  • Key-Value Mapping: Get a mapping of region codes to names or full names to codes.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

ph-region = "0.1.0"

Replace "0.1.0" with the latest version of ph-region.


Listing Regions

You can list the keys, codes, or names of all regions:

use ph_region::region::Region;

fn main() {
    // Different way to List the Regions
    // list of keys
    // list of regions abbrev name
    // list of region name

Parsing and Displaying Region Details

use ph_region::region::Region;

fn main() {
    // Parse a region from a string and print it if valid
    if let Some(region) = Region::from_str("ncr") {
        println!("Region parsed: {:?}", region);
        println!("Region name: {}", region.name());

    // Display the full name of a region from a numeric code
    if let Some(region) = Region::from_str("1") {
        println!("Full name: {}", region.full_name());

Key-Value Pairs

use ph_region::region::Region;

fn main() {
    // Display regions as code to name key-value pairs
    println!("{:?}", Region::list());

    // Display regions as name to code key-value pairs
    println!("{:?}", Region::list_by_full_name());