
Primary LanguageC++

Web Control Myro Robot


  • When a command looks like cd that means you can run in the grey command in the terminal.

To install:

  • First, cd to the directory you want to put webbot in.
  • sudo apt-get install git apache2 php5
  • (It'll ask you your password, type your ubuntu password, then type Yes when it asks [Y/n] to intall)
  • git clone git://github.com/codejoust/webbot.git
  • cd webbot then run sudo ./install.sh.

To configure the webserver:

  • Setup a port forwarding rule in Virtualbox
  • Go to Machine >> Settings...
  • Go to the Network Tab
  • Click "Port Forwarding"
  • Click the Green plus icon to the right of the table
  • Type in a new table line with the host port being 8080 and guest port being 80.
  • Leave everything else blank!
  • Hit tab, then click "ok" (if it doesn't work on the first time click "ok" again).
  • You're good to go!

To run:

  • Go to: http://louise.codejoust.com/projs/webbot/url.php on your VM or Computer to get the URL to run your robot on your phone or laptop.
  • Or: On your mac run the below command in the terminal:
  • ifconfig | grep inet | awk '{print "http://" $2 ":8080/robot/"}' | tail -n 1
  • to get the URL to paste into your browser (or phone).
  • Then:
  • cd to the directory where you cloned the repo,
  • ./bin/runner /dev/ttyS0 (or whatever serial port you're using).