
Simple Angular module for Pomodoro technique. Load it over GitHub in your browser.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a simple Angular 2 project which will help you to be more productive and focus more on important things.

You can find a working example of this module here.

What is Pomodoro?

The Pomodoro technique is a personal time management method. The Pomodoro is coming out of scientific studies which suggest that human focus starts drop-down significantly after 20 minutes. It has four simple rules with an emphasis on maximal productivity:

  1. Choose a task you would like to.
  2. Work uninterrupted for 25 minutes.
  3. Take a break for 5 minutes.
  4. After four sessions, take a longer break.

You can find more information on wikipedia.

Countdown first 25 minutes when you should focus on your tasks: alt text

5 minutes break when you can procrastinate:
alt text

Loop repeat infinitely. If you leave and return, you can hit the reset button to reset the counter.

How to run it?

This project was generated with Angular CLI, so there is a lot of redundant code.

If you want to run module locally, first download it and then, if you have installed Angular CLI, just run in your terminal ng serve command in the download folder. Navigate to address http://localhost:4200/ in your browser and have the tab opened during your work with the computer screen.

If you want to develop other Angular apps alongside, rewrite port number in package.json or run ng serve --port arbitrary_port_number.

If you are new to running Angular apps here is official documentation for how to run the Angular app.


I have build production version of this module and attached files into this GitHub repository. You can check this module straight from your browser anytime you want. Check the page http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/codekopf/pomodoro/blob/master/dist/index.html .


  • Implement possibility to pick own duration
  • Implement possibility to pick up 20 + 5 option session
  • After four Pomodoro loops make 20 minutes break
  • Have three buttons - Start, Stop, Reset - with similar functionality as https://tomato-timer.com/
  • Have an option to see which loop (1-4) is currently looping
  • Fix favicons