Interactive Angular Codelab 🦋 Learn Angular basics online without setup
Pinned issues
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drop internal rxjs imports
#1274 opened by kirjs - 2
new monaco stuff
#1270 opened by kirjs - 0
Use shadow root for monaco
#1269 opened by kirjs - 0
Replace the default branch name for codelab
#1267 opened by jmoral1943 - 0
Rephrase form exercise test
#1197 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
Check on dead code
#1256 opened by CosmoFruit - 1
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Dark theme
#1216 opened by kirjs - 0
Wrap slide directive
#1250 opened by tarsisexistence - 1
save input in exercises
#1247 opened by kirjs - 0
HTML should not be autofolded in Monaco Editor
#1208 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[Done] I think "dirty" condition is redundant. Invalid+touched will be enough
#1245 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[Done] Первый блок сворачивается, а не надо
#1244 opened by kirjs - 0
[Done] Pirojok sound like real name lol
#1243 opened by kirjs - 0
[No fix] test
#1242 opened by kirjs - 0
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[No fix] undefined
#1239 opened by kirjs - 0
[Done] верстка редактора наехала на слайды
#1237 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[Done] В imports ужно добавить MatButtonModule, тогда подгрузятся стили кнопок
#1236 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[No fix] undefined
#1235 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[Done] - стили кнопок не подгрузились
#1234 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
поползла верстка. mi air 13.3. компонент редактора наполз на предпросмотр слайдов
#1233 opened by kirjs - 0
[Duplicate] Не совсем ясно выражение "отобразите превью"
#1232 opened by kirjs - 0
Unfocus from code editing by hotkey in /about to use left/right arrow for slides
#1230 opened by alex-bu-93 - 0
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Create an overlay for streaming
#1219 opened by kirjs - 0
Use for tests
#1215 opened by kirjs - 2
get rid of flex layout
#1169 opened by kirjs - 0
Make "go to the next slide" a link
#1162 opened by kirjs - 3
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Create a fake console
#1184 opened by kirjs - 0
Display loader for the runner
#1186 opened by NothingEverHappens - 2
"Add a message saying 'no videos' which is displayed only when the videos array is empty" - I don't understand, where exactly I should put this message and in which format.
#1189 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
"Iterate over the videos using '*ngFor', and display a title for each" - I don't understand, where exactly I should create HTML tag with *ngFor attribute
#1191 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
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Update test wording for: Material toolbar test
#1194 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
Button that leads to the previous slide situated very closely to the expand/collapse block
#1196 opened by NothingEverHappens - 2
[Prototype] Move file changes processing to web worker
#1206 opened by antkiewicz - 0
Explore PWA support
#1181 opened by antkiewicz - 0
[Done] Testing Ivy
#1203 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
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said "Step 2 - " Add a route with an empty (\'\') path to display SearchComponent". Is there a typo - "(\'\')"?" on page
#1193 opened by NothingEverHappens - 4
Figure out why npm fails on windows
#1177 opened by kirjs - 1
The second step makes me frustrated. I don't know what does it mean. We can clarify it as "Create navigation links".
#1192 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[No fix] I think that we should now about *ngFor syntax before the previous slide
#1190 opened by NothingEverHappens - 1
Find ways to reduce the eventual bundle size
#1175 opened by NothingEverHappens - 0
[Done] Pls ignore
#1156 opened by NothingEverHappens