PHP 7 Version of the cargo sample used in Eric Evans DDD book
- 5
DDD with Symfony 4
#53 opened by Kwadz - 1
Upgrade to Expressive 3.0
#50 opened by codeliner - 2
Confusion between DTO and Value Object
#51 opened by jonathangreco - 6
- 3
Bump PHP version to 7.1
#34 opened by codeliner - 0
Outdated Annotated Project Sctructure
#36 opened by tomhaj - 5
TrasactionManager in BookingService
#31 opened by zvuki - 1
500 internal server error
#32 opened by elpirata15 - 1
Container factories are part of infrastructure?
#27 opened by danizord - 3
HTTP is User Interface
#26 opened by danizord - 3 booking page error
#25 opened by joostshao - 2
- 9
Running sample on PHP 5.6
#23 opened by josecelano - 2
Fix travis-ci build problem
#21 opened by codeliner - 2
Nginx configuration.
#20 opened by maxnag - 1
PHP Version
#19 opened by chemitaxis - 2
Define Routing Service
#9 opened by codeliner - 1
Use Case: Create Cargo with RouteSpecification
#16 opened by codeliner - 1
Use Case: Assign Cargo to Itinerary
#18 opened by codeliner - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 4
Implement Leg
#7 opened by codeliner - 1
Refactor Voyage and Repo
#12 opened by codeliner - 1
Use better UUID generator
#11 opened by codeliner - 1
Expand Cargo Aggregate
#10 opened by codeliner - 1
Refactor Voyage
#8 opened by codeliner - 1
Implement Itinerary
#6 opened by codeliner - 1
Implement Route Specification
#5 opened by codeliner - 1
Use XML configuration for Doctrine
#3 opened by codeliner - 1
- 1
Refactor Cargo
#4 opened by codeliner - 4