Bootstrap your boilerplate RN project
Binaries will be available (soon)
- Requires go >= 1.8
go get
go install (will install in PATH)
Now assuming you already have performed react-native init MyAwesomeProject and edited it to add boilerplate
rnbs.exe path/to/MyAwesomeProject path/to/BrandNewAmazingProject
Where BrandNewAmazingProject is a folder/directory that doesnot exist, will be created for you with all your existing boilpate from MyAwesomeProject
Now just do react-native run-android inside BrandNewAmazingProject
I dont have MacOS, so ios is not tested. However, theoretically you should be able to run react-native run-ios
I need to know what build folders are created for ios. For ex: in android (on Windows 10), you have .gradle, androis/app/build and android/build folders after run-android.