
The website for UCI's first ever hackathon! Instructions are below.

Primary LanguageCSS

The code powering www.hackuci.com

HackUCI Logo

UC Irvine's first ever hackathon. It is to be held on Memorial Day Weekend - 23rd-25th.

Incase someone else operates this website in the future, i've included instructions below along with a hopefully well commented and structured front-end webapp.

###Overall organization:

  • All waivers, info packets, and general documents are placed inside the /docs folder.
  • CSS, Javascript, and Images are placed within their respective /css, /js, and /images folders.
  • Copy-paste mailchimp registration code refer to how to toggle Mailchimp registration below can be inserted or removed from our main website by pasting the /mailchimp.html contents into the /index.html code where specified.
  • Nginx HTTP server configuration setup is within the /server/nginx.conf directory.
  • CSS is divided into two main files. /css/style.css and /css/colors.css. The style.css file contains most of the content while colors mainly focuses on color themes for blocks of HTML.

###How to deploy via a server:

  • I use the nginx server to host this website because nginx is designed to be a great http server for static files (this entire website is static).
  • If you opt to use nginx, read their setup and installation guide here and paste my configs in /server/nginx.conf into the setup.
  • If you opt to use something else like apache server you're going to have to create your own configs.

###How to toggle Mailchimp registration, Eventbrite, etc..

  • Within the main page, index.html, i've left commented blocks where there are instructions to paste in or remove registration, eventbrite, and sold out ticket flags.
  • For example, if the mailchimp code is online and people are registering, but registration has now closed and you want to display: sold out! Remove the mailchimp block (which you found and pasted in from /mailchimp.html) and paste in the new Sold Out! block (found in the comments).

By: Lucas Ou, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions on this site.