
Silly Game based on PyGame HexExample

Primary LanguagePython

This is a toy game based on a game that my son and I liked called 'AntWars'

It's mostly a learning project.

To Play:

Run from the command line:
$ python AntWars.py  H  W   [C1] [C2] [F#] [Q]
    H = Height of map in hexes
    W = Width of map in hexes
    C1  = Player 1 is a computer
    C2  = Player 2 is a computer
    F#  = Frame Rate - Max # frames/second
    Q   = Quiet mode - don't print lots of tracing information.
Demo mode is:
    $ python AntWars.py 8 8 C1 C2 F10 Q
        - 8x8 map
        - Computer v Computer
        - 10 frames/second
        - No distractions
Debug mode is:
    $ python AntWars.py 6 6 C1 C2 F60