
Basic Python Flask project with Twitter Bootstrap integrated

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flask Bootstrap

This project is a basic starting point for a Flask project containing Twitter Bootstrap.


  1. Clone Github repo

    git clone git://github.com/davidsackett/flask-bootstrap.git <project name>
  2. Setup the Virtual Environment (must have pip and virtualenv installed)

    cd <project name>
    cd .venv
    virtualenv init
    . ./bin/activiate
    # install dependencies (just Flask right now)
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd ..
  3. Run the application

    python app.py
  4. Open your browser to

File locations

  • app.py - basic Flask app
  • static/css/ - your css files
  • static/js/ - your js files
  • static/img/ - your image files
  • static/vendor/ - static files from vendors
  • templates - Your Jinja 2 templates
